We all go through mood swings from time to time. Some people, however, experience mood swings rather differently. For individuals with Bipolar Disorder, heightened emotions and depressive moods are frequently so intense that they interfere with daily living.
If you have a loved one with this mental health disorder, you can significantly help them by knowing as much as you can about their condition. This is what we put our best efforts into here at GOFAN Healthcare Services LLC.
Apart from being a reliable psychiatric rehabilitation center in Frisco, Texas, we also strive to support families in need by making reliable information accessible. As such, here are key facts about Bipolar Disorder you should know:
- Bipolar Disorder, formerly known as manic depression, is a mental health condition characterized by significant mood fluctuations that include emotional highs (mania or hypomania) and lows (depression).
- Mood swings might occur seldom or repeatedly throughout the year. While the majority of people will have some emotional symptoms in between episodes, others will not.
- Although it’s a lifelong condition, mood swings and other symptoms can be managed by adhering to a treatment plan. Bipolar Disorder is often treated with medications and psychotherapy.
- When the mood of affected individuals switches to mania or hypomania (a milder form of mania), they may feel ecstatic, or particularly irritated. Sleep, energy, judgment, conduct, and the capacity to think clearly can all be affected by mood fluctuations.
If you have more inquiries on this or about our mental health services in Frisco, Texas, feel free to dial us anytime!
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